Many people think of it as a luxury, but massage is much more than simple relaxation. The therapeutic benefits of massage continue to be studied, but research has shown it to be effective in many ways. The body is divided into 11 systems. Depending upon the technique, massage therapy can influence each and every one of these systems and, most importantly, bring them into balance.
- stimulates sensory
- enhances overall skin texture
- improves joint mobility and flexibility
- decreases friction between tendon and ligaments
- proffers relief of muscular pain, spasms, stiffness
- releases metabolic waste in muscle tissue
- improves muscle tone and electivity
- improves rehabilitation rate of muscle injury
- improves athletic performance
- interrupts noxious stimulation of pain
- affects the internal organs, pain receptors, muscles and joints through reflexes of the body
- increases body awareness through touch
- stimulates parasympathetic activity
(relaxation, endorphin release)
- relaxes entire body, since all soft tissue is
controlled by the nervous system
- encourages the release of endorphins (natural
- reduces anxiety and stress
- lessens depression
- eases withdrawal symptoms
- increases arterial circulation and assists venous
and lymphatic circulation
- lowers heart rate and blood pressure
- produces hyperemia (influx of blood) in the tissue
- improves flow of interstitial fluid
- boosts the immune system
- deepens and decreases respiration
- breaks up congestion
- assists the movement of food by-products through
the colon
- regulates bowel movement
- helps eliminate toxins in the body
- eases labor pains and stress
- promotes tissue regeneration