Massage Elements.

A massage is composed of a multitude of techniques, chosen to fit your specific needs & requests to melt your tension away. Be sure to let me know beforehand if you would like any of these treatments to be incorporated into your massage:

Not sure what you need? Ask me or read a bit more about the differences in techniques. 

Your Personal Massage.

30 minutes ................................................. $  40  

45 minutes ................................................. $  55 

60 minutes ................................................. $  70

75 minutes ................................................. $  85

90 minutes ................................................. $100

or book a

Looking to save?

I offer various packaged treatment plans to reward those who are serious about their health.

Swedish Massage.

This fundamental massage technique is best suited to induce a state of deep relaxation. A Swedish or relaxation massage can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist is trying to achieve.  It systematically works on the soft tissue, muscles, ligaments and tendons, and it increases the body's blood and lymph circulation.

Energy Therapies.

These gentle, yet powerful approaches, such as Shiatsu, Chakra Balancing, Energy Meridians & Acupressure help people relax & cope with stress-related ailments  such as muscle pain, nausea, anxiety  & depression. They stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities &  develop spirituality & vibrant health.


The practice of applying pressure to the feet & hands utilizing specific thumb, finger & hand methods based on a system of reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet & hands induces physical changes in the body.

Myofascial Release.

With time, muscle fibers & the surrounding fascia become short & tight. This uneven stress can be transmitted  to other parts of the body, causing pain & a variety of other symptoms. Relief comes with releasing the uneven tightness in injured fascia.

Trigger Point Therapy.

Finger pressure is applied directly onto knots found in muscles, which are highly sensitive to pain & cause “transferred pain.” The goal is to deactivate them over time.

Active & Passive Stretching.

Stretching can be incorporated to lengthen muscle tissue. ART (Active Release Technique) treats tense tissues by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.

Bits & Pieces.

Stretching can be incorporated to lengthen muscle tissue. ART (Active Release Technique) treats tense tissues by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.